
US-Militärjuristen kritisieren Befragungsmethoden von Gefangenen in Guantanamo Bay

Die Washington Post berichtet über eine Stellungnahme von Militärjuristen, die Vorgehensweisen in der Befragung von Gefangenen in dem US-Amerikanischen Militärgefängnis Guantanamo Bay auf Kuba kritisch sehen:

"... The top lawyers for the Army, Navy and Marine Corps have told Congress that a number of aggressive techniques used by military interrogators on a detainee at the Guantanamo Bay prison were not consistent with the guidelines in the Army field manual on interrogations.
Their conclusions are in sharp contrast to the findings of a previous military investigation into allegations of abuse at the U.S. military prison. ..."

In dem Bericht erfährt man auch, dass auf Betreiben des Senators John McCain (Rep.) neue Richtlinien für das militärische Verhalten erstellt werden, die zukünftig für eine zurückhaltendendere Behandlung von Militärgefangenen sorgen sollen.

"... The contradiction of that view by service lawyers highlights the internal debate about the new Army Field Manual, which has been scheduled for release several times but has been held up by high-level administration discussions. Because of a new law written by McCain, the field manual has become the legal standard for all U.S. military interrogation practices, which must not include cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment. ...
A senior military official said the new manual, as currently written, will include a classified section that will go only to soldiers and leave them less discretion in interrogations. It will not allow the use of tactics inconsistent with the Geneva Conventions, the official said. ..."

Quelle: www.washingtonpost.com (Kostenlose Registrierung erforderlich)